Week Fifteen

With each passing day, Madeline becomes even more active. For the first time on Nov. 2, she held the bottle with both hands by herself for a few minutes. This continued throughout the week. If she pulls the bottle away, however, she can’t get it back to her mouth on her own yet and ends up poking herself in the eye or cheek.

She is also chewing on EVERYTHING – her hands, her sleeves, the hard plastic on her paci, her burp cloth – absolutely nothing is safe. So if you’re holding her, watch out for her hands. They may be a little slimy.

Her hand control is getting better. She is starting to grab for objects she wants and has a little accuracy sometimes. Most of the time though, she just knocks the item out of our hands. Her burp cloth, or any cloth for that matter, is her favorite toy. She enjoys wrestling with them and of course chewing on them.

She is extremely talkative and excitable. If you sing to her she will usually coo back at you and kick her feet. She at times also appears to be repeating sounds we make. We also repeat her sounds back to her and she will play along with us.

Madeline also had her first babysitter this week. On Sunday, Jennifer had to take Andre’ to the ER because he had thrown his back out and could barely move. So, Auntie Champ came over to sit with her for a few hours. Brandi reported back that Madeline was a little angel. She didn’t cry and even laid down for a long nap. Thanks Brandi for helping us out on a moment’s notice!

On another note, today is the one year anniversary of when we found out that we were expecting a baby. It was a Monday and Jennifer had been feeling a little off for the two previous days and so she decided to test.  The first test was positive and so was the second later that day. So she went to the general practitioner for an official test and it was positive too. She went to Hallmark and bought a daddy frame and in it wrote a note from the baby. When Andre’ opened his present that night, he couldn’t believe it as it was completely unexpected. What a year it has been!

Long Day at the Office
Yes, Your Grandma’s Love You
Fifteen Weeks Old – November 8
With Her New Favorite Friend
Saying Hi to the Butterfly
Hangin’ On
Saying Bye to Auntie Champ After Dinner

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